(Hog Mob University – On-line/campus Discipleship School)
Connect – Convict – Convert – Compel
Our goal is to produce passionate and authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who accept, respect, and live out their duty as Apostles in every aspect of their lives on Earth.

To produce passionate, authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who accept, respect and live out their duty as Apostles in every aspect of their lives on earth.
A global network of like-minded believers, holding each other accountable to the Truth for generations to come.
Educate, train and strategically launch spirit-filled men and women into the increasingly hostile global mission field, who, through faith, love and power will manifest and bring glory to the name of our Lord, no matter what the cost or condition.
H.M.U. Mission Statement
Our goal is to produce passionate and authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who accept, respect, and live out their duty as Apostles in every aspect of their lives on Earth. Our role is to educate and train as well as strategically launch spirit-filled men and women into the increasingly hostile global mission field who through Faith, Love and Power will manifest and bring glory to the name of our Lord no matter what the cost or condition. Our desire is that with deep understanding of scripture, passionate conviction of heart, unshakable faith in spirit, and righteous will of Godly love, our graduates will not merely connect with people; but will compel, convict and convert the world around them as they preach, teach and most importantly live out the gospel of Yahshua (Jesus) the Christ in everyday life. Along with our short-term goal of developing long-term disciples, we also desire to build a global network of like-minded believers who will continue to support and hold each other accountable for generations. This program is not for those seeking a casual or paper-thin relationship with God that gets cast aside every time trouble comes or temptation rises. This is a program for true members of the faith who are ready to lay their entire lives at the feet of the Savior and say, “Yes Lord. I am yours”. We are doing our best to make this program available to all different walks of life while still maintaining the integrity of the call to sacrifice on all of our parts.
At H.M.U., we believe that we must present every single part of ourselves to be used by God for His purpose and glory. Understanding this, we will educate our students not only in biblical studies, but in physical fitness and social consciousness as well. We must be aware of the condition of the world around us if we are going to ever be any help to it. The discipline developed in this program, when kept in practice, will last its graduates a lifetime. This is our mission, and Lord willing, we WILL achieve it! Godbleshya.