Founded in 1999 by Sevin in Sacramento, CA
HOG MOB is an acronym that stands for: “HOOK’D ON GOD – MINISTRY OVA BIZNESS”
What this means is, we addictively desire and actively pursue a relationship with the one true and living God. We also choose to live a life that serves his purpose not our own. We will never put a price tag on a soul.
5:6-11 “(6) Humble yourselves under Gods mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (7) Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you. (8) Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (9) Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. (10) And the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself make you strong, firm, and steadfast. (11) To Him be the power forever and ever. Amen.”
HOG MOB is a communal fellowship family governed by God’s Word under the supreme authority and Lordship of Jesus Christ. We believe God is Holy and man is wicked at heart due to his sin nature. We also believe that the only hope man has to be reconciled to God, as well as overcome his sin-nature is found in a relationship with Jesus. Our highest priority is delivering this message to a lost and dying world by engaging our cultures and communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe this must be done not just with mere words, but through a life lived in dedication to Christ by the power of His Spirit.
In short, the Gospel states that all humanity has broken God’s Law and is under the penalty of both physical and spiritual death, and eternal separation from God. But God Who is both loving and just, came in the form of man, in the person of Jesus Christ, and fulfilled the Law on our behalf by living a sinless life as well as dying a sacrificial death in our place. It is because of the righteous blood that Jesus has shed on our behalf that those who put their faith in Christ and repent of their sins can be reconciled to God and are promised both power over sin and eternal life.
We believe that as Passionate followers of Jesus Christ we are “Ambassadors” of the Kingdom of God. Honored with the responsibility of being a light among the nations and a bold and clear voice for the Word of God.
HOG MOB strives to be a strong catalyst of righteous cultural change. Its members are dedicated to using their various gifts and talents and platforms to advance the message of Christ as well as bring about effective and positive change with in communities. We recognize that our greatest impact and benefit will be realized through those impacted by our unselfish, practical acts of kindness and face-to-face ministry. With this in mind, HOB MOB is directly involved in a great many mission fields and projects including but not limited to: Biblical education and accountability, anti-human-trafficking campaigns, social justice demonstrations, disaster relief efforts, hospital and convalescent home ministry, street evangelism, gang education and prevention, prison ministry, provision for the homeless and afflicted, mentoring abandoned or at risk youth, singles and marriage counseling, as well as providing assistance (financial, spiritual, and practical) to widows and single parents.
HOG MOB is also dedicated to providing organizational covering and guidance to other like-minded individuals or organizations desiring to impact their communities for the Kingdom of God.