The most important relationships in my life has become the one i’m cultivating with God’s Word. For a long time in my life I viewed God’s word as more of “good advice” and not necessarily ABSOLUTE TRUTH. This left me ultimately in the driver seat and as you can imagine… i often crashed. But now that i have learned to see God’s word in its proper light, i have so much more peace, clarity and am able to help people navigate through problems so much better than i could when i was mixing the Word in with my own corrupted ideas and conclusions. I pray that this study helps you get to the same place.

The bible is more than an instruction manual or a rule book. It is more than a random collection of stories, poems and letters. It is the voice of God communicating with us. That is why the bible is often referred to as “the Word of God.”

In Psalm 119, the Israelite King David shows us how we should approach the Bible. David saw God’s word as his source of life and hope. He delighted in it. He continually meditated on it. He understood that God spoke to him through it.

The bottom line? We know the sound of God’s voice in our lives when we read His word.


“The Word of God” is a big concept to grasp. No simple and one-line definition will suffice. As you’ll see in this lesson, the bible refers to “God’s word” as the driving force behind the creation of the universe. It’s also a term Christians use to define the Bible. Sometimes “the word of God” refers in a more general sense to God’s message of salvation that the very first followers of Jesus proclaimed to the world – for example, Acts 6:7 and 8:14. And sometimes “the Word” also refers to a person, as it does in John 1:14. In this amazing passage we find out that Jesus is GOD’S WORD WITH US!

The foundation of any healthy relationship is communication. God’s word – in all its fullness – is his way of communicating with us.

How does the Bible say the world was created? 2 Peter 3:5

What were the first followers of Jesus devoted to? Acts 2:42

What were the top two priorities for the early church leaders? Acts 6:4

What happened as “the word of God” spread? Acts 6:7

What was the “word of the Lord” doing in Ephesus while Paul was there? Acts 19:20

How were the scriptures originally given to us?

2 Timothy 3:16

2 Peter 1:20-21

What does John say about “the Word”? John 1:1

Who is “the Word”? John 1:14

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What do the following passages teach about God’s word?

Psalm 119:89
Psalm 119:160
Isaiah 40:8
Isaiah 55:11
Matthew 24:35
John 17:17

What does the writer of Hebrews say about God’s word? Hebrews 4:12

What does Jesus say we will be judged according to on the last day? John 12:48

What does Gods word mean to you?

How can you enrich your relationship with Gods word?
