HOG MOB STUDY WEEK 11- What shall we do?
This week we will look at what we are called to do in light of receiving the Gospel. just like with anything else, if you truly receives something of “changing” power, there will be a response to that power in the persons thoughts, will, actions and reactions. The Gospel is a call to RESPONSE. The response is the evidence that we have truly received. Not all who claim they are saved have TRULY repented, BUT ALL who have truly repented ARE SAVED. |
Week 11 study – Repentance and Baptism Purple Book – 3/1 “Repent and be baptized, every one of you…. Repent, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, and that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 2:38; 3:19 Read Luke 5:11-24 One of the most gripping stories in the bible concerns a relationship crisis between a father and a son. Jesus told this story of a son who took his inheritance and went away and squandered it with “wild living”. He ended up losing everything and living in despair. The Bible says he eventually “came to his senses” and determined to get up and return to his father. This is a picture of what repentance means – in essence, being truly sorry for our sins and desperate to restore our relationship with God, our heavenly father. WHAT SHALL WE DO? What did the prodigal son say to his father? Luke 15:21What was the response of the father? Luke 15:22-24What did Jesus say causes heaven to celebrate? Luke 15:7 True repentance produces a real change in our hearts and is the fruit of God’s grace working in our lives. Who did Peter declare Jesus Christ to be? Acts 2:36What did the people say in response to peters preaching? Acts 2:37What did Peter say they should do? Acts 2:38What did Peter say they would receive if they would repent and be baptized? Acts 2:38Who did this promise apply to? Acts 2:39What else did Peter say? Acts 2:40What happened to those who accepted the message? Acts 2:41Once they were added to the local body of believers, what did they do? Acts 2:42-46 Peter preached the message of the cross – that Jesus is both Lord and Messiah. The result? The people were “cut to the heart”. They responded by asking “what shall we do”? The answer to their question was profound. Repent (turn from sin)Be baptizedReceive the gift of the Holy SpiritBe added to (serve with) he fellowship of true believers – the CHURCH In this Chapter we study repentance and water baptism. The Holy spirit and the Church will be explained deeper in other chapters in the future. Application and reflection What did you learn? How will you apply it? |