God has never asked us to say “i’m sorry” for our sins. truth is, what He requires is far more tangible and active. God is a God of action not just mere declaration. Just as Faith without works is dead, repentance without change is false. Let’s look at what TRUE repentance produces. let’s examine our own hearts to ensure we are walking daily in repentance.
Repentance: turning from Sin What message did Mark preach: Mark 1:15 What are the first 2 foundational truths of the Christian faith? Heberews 6:1-2 What message should be preached in ALL nations? Luke 24:47 What happens when we repent and turn to God? Acts 3:19 The word “repentance” often brings to mind scary images pf people on street corners with signs reading “repent, fir the END is near!” Actually, the opportunity of repentance offers great hope for us. It means to “turn around.” Regardless of how bad things have gotten or how far from God you may feel you are, when you repent, you instantly find Gods love and mercy waiting for you. What did Jesus say would happen if we repent? Luke 13:2-5 Who does God command to repent? Acts 17:30 What did the apostle Paul say he was sent to do? Acts 26:18 What message did Paul say he preached? Acts 26:19-20 How did Paul tell his listeners they could demonstrate their repentance? What should we do about our sins? proverbs 28:13 True repentance involved confession of sin, turning away from sin and turning to GOD. What else is involved? Exodus 22:3 Restitution is defined as “a restoration of something to its rightful owner” and “a making good of an offense or injury” READ: Luke 19:1-10 for a short story about repentance and restitution Zacchaeus was a corrupt tax collector. Yet the opportunity of a relationship with Jesus inspired him to repent and make restitution for his sins. How did he purpose to make restitution? Luke 19:8 How sis Jesus respond to Zacchaeus? Luke 19:9 What leads us towards repentance? Romans 2:4 Part of repentance is being sorry for our sins. What are the 2 types of sorrow, and what do they produce? 2 Cor. 7:10 Besides repentance, what else does godly sorrow produce? 2 Cor. 7:11
According to scriptures, repentance involves conviction of sin, sorry for sin, turning from sin, and a willingness to make restitution. However, repentance is still not complete without Faith.
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