It has become a very popular topic of debate these days as to weather the “spiritual gifts” listed in the new testament have ceased or are still being distributed and activated by the Holy Spirit today. I believe it is important to approach ANY issue of debate with an open heart and allow the bible to speak for itself and not be pressured into a specific interpretation based on a loyalty to denominational traditions.

Let’s look at what the bible says about the gifts of the spirit and their role in establishing the early church. I believe God is still establishing churches all over the world and has not stopped using his children to demonstrate his attributes and power today in many ways. I encourage you all to search the scripture for yourself to see what it says and what it DOES NOT say. Let’s not put words in God’s mouth nor take any from it. Let’s allow the Word of God to be just that…. And obey it. 

The FRUIT of the spirit puts God’s character on display (love, joy, peace, patience, ect.). the GIFTS of the spirit put God’s POWER on display. As Gods representatives on earth we need to develop them BOTH. The fruit and gifts of the spirit are given for the common good – so that each of us can help build up the body of Christ.

  1. List the “spiritual gifts” Paul mentions in Romans. Romans 12:6-8
  1. List the leadership gifts God has placed in the Church. Eph. 4:11-12
  1. List the manifestation of the Spirit that are given for the common good. 1 Cor. 12:4-11
  1. What attitude should we have regarding spiritual gifts? 1 Cor. 14:1
  1. What should be your motivation for desiring and using spiritual gifts? 1 Cor. 13:1-2

Read 1 Cor. 14

  1. What does Paul say about the gift of prophecy? 1 Cor. 14






  1. What does Paul say about the gift of tongues? 1 Cor. 14








  1. What are we warned not to do?

1 Thes. 5:19-20 

Eph. 4:30 

  1. What did Jesus promise would happen to the disciples when the Holy Spirit came upon them? Acts 1:8

Have you experienced the Holy Spirits power in your life? How?

What did you learn from this study?

How will you apply it to your life?

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