We hope last week’s study blessed you. This week we will be taking a look at “SIN”. What is it? And what effect does it have on us as individuals and also as a species. It has always been a sobering thought that EVERY SINGLE act of wickedness EVER done; weather rape, child abuse, murder, genocide, torture and the countless other terrible things we as humans have done and continue to do to each other, is all the result of ONE SINGLE act of SIN. We are all living in the ripple effect of just ONE sin. This should cause us to never look at our sin as a small thing. There are consequences to every sin that will ripple through out time and the effects will be felt in eternity. We need to pray that the Lord helps us keep this perspective as we journey through life. There is NO SMALL SIN…. Only small people who make BIG messes of a beautiful world God made for us to enjoy.
We are going to be reading through the entire bible over the course of this year. We encourage you all to join us. In order to complete the bible in a full year you will need to read at LEAST 3 chapters a day. We suggest that as you do this you make notes about the things that minister to you or also any questions you may have. This will help you be able to reflect and do research to help further your biblical education.HOG MOB MINISTRIES
PURPLE BOOK CHAPTER 1 – LESSON 2THE RESULT OF SIN:The act of disobeying God is called “sin”. One definition of sin is to “miss the mark”, as when you fail to hit a target in a sporting event.Obviously the Bible’s understanding of sin is much more serious than that. , In fact, Scripture has a couple of different ways of expressing this idea. Sin is sometimes decried as a “trespass”, something that involves crossing forbidden lines or boundaries that God has set up for our protection.The concept of “iniquity” speaks of sin’s most troubling and destructive result: to twist and pervert our inner nature. This is gravely serious because the Bible said God’s nature is “holy”- that is, completely free from evil or defect, absolutely pure in love and goodness.in·iq·ui·ty [ih-nik-wi-tee]
1. gross injustice or wickedness.2. a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin.
1. What state does the Bible describe us as being in? (Ephesians 2:1)2. Why ultimately is our sin so serious to God? (Leviticus 11:44)
3. What does iniquity do to our relationship with God? (Isaiah 59:1-2) 4. Describe sinful humanities desperate condition: (Romans 3:9-20, 23) 5. Describe the impact sin has on our heart: (Jeremiah 17:9)
6. What are the “wages” of sin? (Romans 6:23)
7. What does the Bible say happens after we die? (Hebrews 9:27)8. How does the Bible describe eternal judgement?matt. 25:41 rev. 20:11-15 rev. 21:89. What does Paul, the writer of Romans, call himself? (Romans &:24)In Romans 7 Paul describes his own state and cries out on behalf of all humanity with the most important question ever asked: “who will rescue me from this body of death?” Humanities deepest need is for salvation – not just from the evil in the world, but from the evil in our own hearts.APPLICATION AND REFLECTION:Obviously God takes sin very seriously, what about you? What do you think you deserve for your sin?John Piper – sermon on “SIN”