Hog Mob Study Week 21 – SPIRITUAL HUNGER
If someone is deprived of food and water for an extended period of time, their physical body will weaken and eventually die. there is a spiritual parallel. The Word of God is our spiritual food and water. As surely as we will die physically without food and water, we will die spiritually with out God’s Word.
1. What was David’s greatest desire? Psalms 119:81
‘2. How did the sons of Korah describe the conditions of their souls? Psalm 42:1-2
3. What was the Psalmists attitude towards God and his presence? Psalm 84:1-2,10
4. Who did Jesus say will be filled? Matt. 5:6
5. What do you think it means to hunger and thirst after righteousness?
6. What did David say about God’s word and its importance in his life?
Psalm 119:72
Psalm 119:103
Psalm 119:127
7. Describe Job’s hunger for God’s word. Job 23:12
8. What did Jeremiah say about God’s word? Jer. 15:16
What did you learn from this lesson?