Last week we looked at SIN and its consequence… DEATH. This week we will take a look at Gods solution for the mess that we have made by choosing our own way rather than obeying God. As a result of sin man has continued to attempt to be his own provider and protector both physically and spiritually. Look at the 1st thing man did after they sinned, hid themselves and covered themselves. In hiding they hoped to provide protection from Gods wrath and in covering themselves they hoped to provide their own means of escape from the guilt and shame of losing their innocence and being exposed as law breakers. Man’s attempt to cover himself using fig leaves is one of the first times we see a form of false religion in scripture. Rather than run to God and repent, he chose to hide himself and cover his own guilt through works of his own hands. Adam and Eves behavior represent not only all of our behavior when bound to sin, but also demonstrate how inadequate our attempts to make ourselves righteous really are. The leaves that Adam chose to cover him and his wife with would not only have become rotten and moldy over time making them even more foul than the already were, but, their nakedness wasn’t even their real issue, their loss of innocents was. Their guilt before GOD was something that those fig leaves could never solve. Regardless of how much they attempted to cover themselves, they were still guilty before a Holy and all-knowing GOD. Nothing could undo what they had done or the consequence God had promised. Spiritual and physical death were the penalty for Sin and now that sin had been committed, something HAD TO DIE for God’s word to hold true and His righteous anger to be satisfied. Yet as angry as God was with mankind, he still made a way for us to be spared, but not without the debt of death being satisfied. Lets look at what Gods justice and mercy require for the penalty of our sin.
Purple book Ch1 lesson 3GOD’S SOLUTION FOR SIN: JESUS’ DEATH AND RESURRECTIONThe penalty for sin is death, both spiritual and physical. God’s ultimate solution for sin was foreshadowed in the original story. After Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to hide themselves with their covering. And Humanity has been hiding from God every since. God, however, provided the real covering, and he did so By spilling the blood of an innocent animal.The concept of sacrifice (the idea that because of sin, someone has to pay the penalty) is seen throughout The Bible. Sin was forgiven only as a result of shedding blood, a sacrifice offered in the place of a sinful Human beings. The sacrifice had to be one without defect. 1. What is necessary for the forgiveness of sins? Hebrews 9:222. How did God cover Adam and Eve’s first sin? Genesis 3:213. How were “unclean” things made “clean?’ Hebrews 9:224. Can the blood of animals ultimately take away our sins? Hebrews 10:4Read Isaiah 53.5. Why would the promised savior be “pierced?” Isaiah 53:56. How does the prophet Isaiah say we will be healed? Isaiah 53:57. How did John the baptist, the last prophet before Jesus, introduce Jesus publicly? John 1:298. What did the prophet Isaiah predict God would do? Isaiah 53:69. What does Jesus’ blood, his sacrificial death, do for us?Romans 5:9Ephesians 1:71 John 1:7Revelation 1:510. What did Jesus do for us on the cross?1 Corinthians 15:3-42 Corinthians 5:21 Galatians 3: 13-141 Peter 2:24 11. According to the bible, what makes Jesus unique that he can do this for us?John 1:18 Colossians 1:15-20 Hebrews 4:15 Jesus’ blood, his sacrificial death, is God’s solution for humanity’s sin. He pays the penalty for your sin. He wants to wipe the slate clean, forgiveness. But Jesus didn’t just stay in the grave. He rose from the Dead. 12. What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection? What if there was no resurrection? 1 Corinthians 15:14-19 v. 14 v. 15 v.16 v.17 v.18 v.19 What makes God’s gift of grace so costly is that Jesus paid for it. What makes it so powerful is that he Came back from the dead. Proving that he is the Son of God and showing that God accepted his sacrifice As a payment for our sin.He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.Romans 4:25 (TNIV) God’s law demands that sin be punished by death. Year in and year out, innocent animals would die in thePlace of God’s people, reminding them that sin is costly. However, God’s plan was to send his ultimate Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, as a “lamb” to be offered for the sins of the whole world. Even more amazing is the Fact that the Bible calls Jesus “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” God became a man in Jesus Christ And died for the sins of his own creation. Application & Reflection What did you learn from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life?
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