The idea that all we must do is pray a simple prayer and we are then free to live as we please while claiming to be “saved” is a ridiculous concept, yet unfortunately also a very popular one in the church today. The Bible teaches that the Gospel, when it is truly received, not only saves us, but CHANGES our very nature. Any creature who’s nature has been changed will, by consequence, experience a clear change in thought, appetite, behavior and conviction, since these are all things the creatures nature affects. If we claim to be “saved” and yet still live as slaves to the flesh and its sinful desires, what have we been saved from? What is the point of being “born again” if we are just going to live as the original man lived? What glory does God receive from the life of one who is unchanged by His Spirit upon receiving it? In truth, to live as one who has never been touched by God is to DENY the power of God all together. Gods touch affects change in ALL things it encounters. ANYONE touched by God will change, not because they choose to, but because they ARE CHANGED by Gods touch. Change of nature and behavior is the bi-product of truly receiving the Gospel. If you have not changed, it is because are not changed, and if you are not changed, you HAVE NOT truly received the Gospel.
Purple Book – ch2: lesson2THE NARROW DOORThe Bible teaches that we are saved by God’s grace, not by our own good deeds. We cannot earn eternal life by good behavior. We must receive the gift of Jesus’ work on the cross. However, when true salvation occurs, the evidence of our changed lives should be obvious. Read Matthew 7:13-20 to find out what Jesus had to say about what it means to be his true follower.
1. What does Jesus say about entering the kingdom of God? v. 13-14 ____________________________________________________ 2. How can we tell who is a real follower of Jesus and who is not? v. 16 ____________________________________________________ 3. According to Jesus, what is the destiny of those who bear bad fruit? v. 19 ____________________________________________________ “Bad fruit” is a metaphor for a sinful lifestyle. Sin is lawlessness. It’s breaking God’s commands.4. Centuries before Jesus was born, God gave his people the Law-summed up in the Ten Commandments.
What are God’s Ten Commandments? Exodus 20:1-17
v3 ____________________________________________________ v. 4-6 ____________________________________________________ v. 7 ____________________________________________________ v. 8-10 ____________________________________________________ v. 12 ____________________________________________________ v. 13 ____________________________________________________ v. 14 ____________________________________________________ v. 15 ____________________________________________________ v. 16 ____________________________________________________ v.17 ____________________________________________________
5. What did Jesus say about those who disregard these laws? Matthew 5:17-19________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
The Bible declares that Jesus Christ is the source of our righteousness (right standing with God). Yet God’s laws have not been done away with. There is still such a thing as right and wrong. When we break these laws it is still called “sin.” The difference is that now as Christians we not only can be forgiven, but we also have a new abillity to say no to sin.6. How did Jesus say we could sum up all of God’s law? Matthew 7:12
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the difference between those who love Jesus and those who do not? John 14:15, 23-24_________________________________________________________________
8. What does Paul say must not be in our lives as believers? Ephesians 5:3-5________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
9. What did paul warn would happen to those who practice such things? Galatians 5:19-21_______________________________________________________________
10. What is the reason people live in sin and still think they are christians? 1 Corinthians 6:9-10________________________________________________________________ These warnings remind us that we are not just new people in theory, but that we are called to live in a new way. As humans, We certainly wont be perfect, but because of Christ, we are on a journey that will lead to greater and greater victories over the sins and weaknesses that previously dominated our lives. This process is called sanctification.And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God – 1 Corinthians 6:11 (TNIV)
APPLICATION AND REFLECTION What did you learn from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life?_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
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