HOG MOB STUDY WEEK 9 – Lordship & Relationships

Purple Book – ch2: lesson3

Ch. 2 lesson 3


The Bible talks a lot about “fellowship.” Fellowship is more than hanging out with others; It’s sharing life with them. It’s opening ur lives to other followers of Jesus and living in community with them. While God doesn’t want us to abandon our relationships with unbelievers and isolate ourselves from the world, authentic fellowship is something that is experienced in its fullest with other believers.

1. According to the Bible, what kind of people should we avoid altogether? 1 Corinthians 5:11

2. In one of his letters, pal mentions a particularly disturbing case of immorality. What did Paul say the church should have done? 1 Corinthians 5:1-2

3. What did Paul say about “fellowship” with unbelievers? 2 corinthians 6:14-16

4. What does God command? 2 Corinthians 6:17

5. What does he promise in return? 2 Corinthians 6:18

To “be separate” doesn’t mean we should cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. After all, Jesus also tells us to be “salt
and light” to the world. (Matthew 5:13-16) We can’t be salt and light from a distance. Jesus himself was criticized for being friend of sinner (Luke 15:1-2). But like Jesus, God wants us to have a transforming influence on the world around us- not the other way around.

6. How does John say we know we “have passed from death to life”? 1 john 3:4

7. How many times did Jesus say we should forgive our brothers and sisters? Mathew 18:21-22

8. As we live in love and unity with one another, what did Jesus promise would be the world’s response? John 17:23

9. What is a key to having this kind of unity? philippians 2:3-4

The quality of our relationships with other believers is a crucial testimony to an unbelieving world. We should be able to forgive and love not just our friends, but even our enimies. We must realize that we are in a spiritual battle, and we must be trained and determined not to allow bitterness and unforgiveness to push us into darkness.

Application & Reflection
What do you think it means to being the world but not of the world? (See john 17:15-18.)

“Here I Am LORD. Send Me, I’ll Go” Psalm 138: 1-8