Pray 4 My Hood is an urban outreach initiative that takes a team of street ministers across the country every year on an “urban missions tour”.

Mission Statement
To deliver the Gospel to urban cities and impoverished communities across the U.S. and abroad in a way that is relatable to the culture and language of the people.
Foundational Scripture
2 Chronicles 7:14 / Ezekiel 36:36
How We Operate
Pray 4 My Hood is an urban outreach initiative that takes a team of street ministers across the country every year on an “urban missions tour”. These Missions Tours involve doing everything from Christ centered block party concerts to community cleanups in some of America’s roughest crime areas. The teams work with locals in the designated cities to blanket the community with faith-based materials in order to encourage a culture of Christianity in the various neighborhoods. Pray 4 my Hood also works with local urban street ministries by offering recourses and even training to help them be more effective in their local urban areas.