As we look into scripture at what repentance truly is, we see that the definition the modern church has verses the one the bible paints is very different. it seems that in an effort to make things “easier” or more “acceptable” for the nonbeliever we have watered repentance down to a mere apology driven by a moment of guilt, rather than a change in heart caused by the Holy Spirit that produces a godly sorry that leads to a lifestyle of seeking and pleasing God. I want to challenge you to completely abandon any OPINIONS you may have about this or ANY matter found in scripture. our job is not to wrap the Word of God around our life, but rather to allow it to test, challenge and when necessary CHANGE our hearts and minds. This requires humility and Gods grace. Let’s look at how true repentance calls us to react to God.
True conversion is like the 2 sides of a coin. One side is repentance; the other side is faith. We cannot turn from something without turning to something else. All of this is a gift from GOD. (Eph. 2:8) What did Paul say we must turn to if we turn from darkness? Acts 26:18What was the result of the miraculous healing if the paralyzed man? Acts 9:35What was the evidence that the Lords hand was with those who proclaimed Christ? Acts 11:21 Probably the most quoted scripture of all is John 3:16. Read it and reflect on it. Believing in Christ means more than just saying the right words or accepting certain facts. It means that we have put or trust completely in Him. In essence real faith implies that we have rejected all other alternatives and have fixed our attention on Him. Is simply SAYING u believe in God enough to save you? James 2:19What does the bible say about a faith that produces no works? James 2:26What is the promise for those who truly believe? John 6:47What does the bible say overcomes the world? 1 John 5:4-5 The hope of every believer is that Christs work in us is more powerful than our past or our current struggles or temptations. The picture of salvation the bible paints is not just a glorious deliverance, but Gods spirit empowering us to live new lives. The next important step in our journey is to follow Christ in baptism.
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