If someone is deprived of food and water for an extended period of time, their physical body will weaken and eventually die. there is a spiritual parallel. The Word of God is our spiritual food and water. As surely as we will die physically without food and water, we will die spiritually with out God’s Word.
1. What was David’s greatest desire? Psalms 119:81
‘2. How did the sons of Korah describe the conditions of their souls? Psalm 42:1-2
3. What was the Psalmists attitude towards God and his presence? Psalm 84:1-2,10
4. Who did Jesus say will be filled? Matt. 5:6
5. What do you think it means to hunger and thirst after righteousness?
6. What did David say about God’s word and its importance in his life?
Psalm 119:72
Psalm 119:103
Psalm 119:127
7. Describe Job’s hunger for God’s word. Job 23:12
8. What did Jeremiah say about God’s word? Jer. 15:16
What was God’s command to Joshua, and what was His promise of he obeyed? Joshua 1:8
Describe the person who meditates on God’s Word. Psalm 1:1-3
What are the scriptures useful for? 2 Tim 3:16-17
How did Jesus overcome and defeat the Devil? Matt 4:1-11
The idea is NOT that having a few magical memory verses can get us out of any situation. It’s that when we meditate on the scriptures, turning to them for strength and guidance becomes second nature – as it was for Jesus when he was tempted by the devil.
How can God’s people experience victory over sin?
Psalm 119:9
Psalm 119:11
List some of the ways God’s word benefits the believer.
Psalm 119:98-100
Prov. 4:20-22
What did you learn from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life?
The most important relationships in my life has become the one i’m cultivating with God’s Word. For a long time in my life I viewed God’s word as more of “good advice” and not necessarily ABSOLUTE TRUTH. This left me ultimately in the driver seat and as you can imagine… i often crashed. But now that i have learned to see God’s word in its proper light, i have so much more peace, clarity and am able to help people navigate through problems so much better than i could when i was mixing the Word in with my own corrupted ideas and conclusions. I pray that this study helps you get to the same place.
The bible is more than an instruction manual or a rule book. It is more than a random collection of stories, poems and letters. It is the voice of God communicating with us. That is why the bible is often referred to as “the Word of God.”
In Psalm 119, the Israelite King David shows us how we should approach the Bible. David saw God’s word as his source of life and hope. He delighted in it. He continually meditated on it. He understood that God spoke to him through it.
The bottom line? We know the sound of God’s voice in our lives when we read His word.
“The Word of God” is a big concept to grasp. No simple and one-line definition will suffice. As you’ll see in this lesson, the bible refers to “God’s word” as the driving force behind the creation of the universe. It’s also a term Christians use to define the Bible. Sometimes “the word of God” refers in a more general sense to God’s message of salvation that the very first followers of Jesus proclaimed to the world – for example, Acts 6:7 and 8:14. And sometimes “the Word” also refers to a person, as it does in John 1:14. In this amazing passage we find out that Jesus is GOD’S WORD WITH US!
The foundation of any healthy relationship is communication. God’s word – in all its fullness – is his way of communicating with us.
How does the Bible say the world was created? 2 Peter 3:5
What were the first followers of Jesus devoted to? Acts 2:42
What were the top two priorities for the early church leaders? Acts 6:4
What happened as “the word of God” spread? Acts 6:7
What was the “word of the Lord” doing in Ephesus while Paul was there? Acts 19:20
2 critical events took place in the lives of the followers of Christ that transformed them from being cowards and even septics in some cases, to being sold-out and emboldened believers who would live, suffer and die for the truth of the message of the Gospel. The 1st thing is this: An eye witness encounter with the risen Christ. But for some, even that wasn’t enough. the Bible says that although Jesus appeared to over 500 plus witnesses after his resurrection, MANY still doubted and in the end there was only 120 in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. But the 2nd thing that happened changed every one of those 120 forever and that was this….. the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I have said it many times myself, that though i believed in Christ for many years, the most transforming moment in my life after receiving the Gospel was the day i was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at what happens when those who follow Christ experience the out pouring of the spirit of God… and ask yourself, have you receive this? and if not… i urge you to pray for it without ceasing until it comes… and in Jesus name…. it will come.
What did John the Baptist promise Jesus would do? Matthew 3:11 How did Peter describe the Gentiles’ encounter with the Holy Spirit? Acts 11:15-17 What did Jesus tell his disciples they were to do after he ascended to heaven?Luke 24:49Acts 1:4-5 Read the Following five accounts of people who received the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. How did they receive the Spirit? Describe what happened when the people in these accounts received God’s Spirit?Acts 2:1-6Acts 8:14-19Acts 9:17-19Acts 10:44-48Acts 19:1-6 Who does the Father give the Holy Spirit to? Luke 11:13 Application & ReflectionHave you asked to receive God’s Holy Spirit? What did you learn from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life?
It has become a very popular topic of debate these days as to weather the “spiritual gifts” listed in the new testament have ceased or are still being distributed and activated by the Holy Spirit today. I believe it is important to approach ANY issue of debate with an open heart and allow the bible to speak for itself and not be pressured into a specific interpretation based on a loyalty to denominational traditions.
Let’s look at what the bible says about the gifts of the spirit and their role in establishing the early church. I believe God is still establishing churches all over the world and has not stopped using his children to demonstrate his attributes and power today in many ways. I encourage you all to search the scripture for yourself to see what it says and what it DOES NOT say. Let’s not put words in God’s mouth nor take any from it. Let’s allow the Word of God to be just that…. And obey it.
The FRUIT of the spirit puts God’s character on display (love, joy, peace, patience, ect.). the GIFTS of the spirit put God’s POWER on display. As Gods representatives on earth we need to develop them BOTH. The fruit and gifts of the spirit are given for the common good – so that each of us can help build up the body of Christ.
List the “spiritual gifts” Paul mentions in Romans. Romans 12:6-8
List the leadership gifts God has placed in the Church. Eph. 4:11-12
List the manifestation of the Spirit that are given for the common good. 1 Cor. 12:4-11
What attitude should we have regarding spiritual gifts? 1 Cor. 14:1
What should be your motivation for desiring and using spiritual gifts? 1 Cor. 13:1-2
Read 1 Cor. 14
What does Paul say about the gift of prophecy? 1 Cor. 14
What does Paul say about the gift of tongues? 1 Cor. 14
What are we warned not to do?
1 Thes. 5:19-20
Eph. 4:30
What did Jesus promise would happen to the disciples when the Holy Spirit came upon them? Acts 1:8
Have you experienced the Holy Spirits power in your life? How?
What good is a tree with out fruit? if i claimed to be an apple tree, what would i have to do in order to prove it? Produce APPLES of coarse! What if while claiming to be an apple tree, i produced ORANGES? That would not only prove i am NOT what i claim, but in fact, i am a totally different kind of tree! You see, our mouths can say what ever they wish, but our fruit will either prove or disprove our claims. If we claim to love God but we are producing fruit of rebellion and disobedience, the Lord says, we are lying. If we have truly been BORN of GOD, the we should bear his resemblance. Imagine seeing a child who looks nothing like either his mother or father… the question then becomes… where did it get it looks from? We expect to find traces of the parents in the appearance of the child. It should be the same way with us as Gods spiritual children. When people look at us, we should remind them of our Father in Heaven. We should bare not just his name, but His character and behavior. If we don’t, we are “taking His name in vein”.
Let’s look at the fruit of the Spirit we should experience in our hearts, minds and behaviors if we are truly sons and daughter of God.
READ JOHN 15:1-8
Fruitfulness is an important theme in the Bible. The picture of how a grapevine is maintained is at the heart of Christ’s teaching on our spiritual lives. These vines were not left on the ground to be trampled and to grow wild. A fruitful vine was lifted off the ground to be constantly cared for by an attentive gardener. It would be absurd to think of a branch growing that was separate from the vine or a vine being fruitful and beautiful without constant help from the gardener. how can we bring glory to the father? Vs. 8: _______________________________________________________________ what happens to the branches that do not bear fruit? Vs. 2: _______________________________________________________________ what happens to the branches that bear fruit? Vs. 2: _______________________________________________________________ why does the father prune the branches? Vs. 2 _______________________________________________________________ can we bear fruit by ourselves? Vs. 4 _______________________________________________________________ what must we do to bear spiritual fruit? Vs. 4-5 _______________________________________________________________ what does it mean to “remain in the vine”? vs. 4-7 _______________________________________________________________
Jesus said if we remain in Him we will bear fruit, but what does this mean? Not long after Jesus resurrection the apostle Paul described what kind of fruit is produced by a spirit led life. List the fruit of the spirit: _______________________________________________________________
God’s Holy Spirit no longer dwells in buildings of brick and stone; He dwells in people. WE are God’s temple, and we show that we are His temple when we practice the fruit of the spirit. The “you” in 1 Cor. 3:16 is plural. Mabey that’s because it’s hard to practice virtues like love, peace, patience and kindness on our own.
Do you see evidence of the fruit of the spirit in your life? Which ones do you have? Which ones do you need to develop?
Until i understood it was the Holy Spirit that did the work to change me and make me a child of God, i never respected or chased after it much. There is so much about God and His power we don’t know. This ignorance can often cause us to disrespect and dishonor God in many ways. I believe the greatest Gift God ever gave us was not just the Jesus Christ, but the Holy Spirit as well. without the Holy Spirit, we would never RECEIVE Jesus. nor would we be able to walk the way he has commanded us to live. Let’s get to know this great Gift. Let’s do our very best to honor and cherish it and SHARE it with the world.
READ:MATT. 3:11JOHN 14:26ACTS 2:38 Before he descended into Jerusalem Jesus told his disciples to go back and wait. They were about to receive an amazing gift: the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4-5)
A few days later, during the Jewish festival of Pentecost, the Spirit came… and he didn’t come quietly. He arrived in “wind and fire”. Suddenly the believers began speaking in other tongues. Jews from all over the Roman empire gathered in Jerusalem for the festival. Each of them heard the believers speaking to them in their own language. (Acts 2:1-2)
Then Peter got up to speak. He reminded the crowd that hundreds of years earlier, the Prophet Joel had predicted that God’s spirit would come. Peter proclaimed Jesus’ death and resurrection. The crowd was “cut to the heart” and responded… “what shall we do?” (Acts 2:14-37) Peter said the proper response would be to repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38-39). In other words, it is impossible to live the Christian life apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. From the moment we are born again, Gods spirit supplies the power we need to be a consistent witness for Christ.
John 14:16 ____________________________________________
John 14:17 ____________________________________________
What are some ways the Holy Spirit helps the believer?
Matt 10:19-20 ____________________________________________
John 14:26 ____________________________________________
John 16:13-14 ____________________________________________
Although the ritual of water baptism in itself has no saving power over a man. we are commanded to do it as an act of obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. obedience to Christ as Lord is the evidence that our faith in him is REAL. lets look at how the bible describes baptism and what it symbolizes in the Life of the believer.
If you take a trip to ancient Israel and tour the land where Jesus lived and ministered, you will discover that the world of the Bible included the concept of ritual bathing. Men and women would wash ceremonially to cleanse themselves from the dirt and defilement of the outside world. Jesus and his disciples came preaching and calling people to be baptized in water to symbolize the cleansing that takes place through their faith. In the “Great commission Jesus commanded his disciples to GO and make disciples, baptizing them in the NAME (authority and identity) of the Father, Son and holy Spirit.
What happened to those who accepted Peters message? Acts 2:41
What did the men and women who believed Philips message do? Acts 8:12
After hearing the good news about Jesus what did the Ethiopian eunuch want to do? Acts 8:35-36
Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. What did he say to do with those disciples? Matt. 28:19-20
Vs. 19?
Vs. 20?
The New testament uses different illustrations to demonstrate the significance of water baptism:
Burial and resurrection (Romans 6:4-5)
The Israelites crossing the Red Sea when they escaped Egypt (1 Cor. 10:1-2)
Circumcision (Col. 2:11-12)
The Flood (1 Peter 3:20-21)
Paul compares Christian baptism to a burial. In order to be buried, a person must first die. What must we die to before we get baptized? Romans 6:1-4
The Israelites passing through the Red Sea is a picture of baptism for us. Why were they fleeing from the Egyptians? Exodus 2:23; 3:7,9 What happened to the Egyptians? Exodus 14:22-28
In the same way Israelites were slaves to Egypt, we were all slaves to sin. The Israelites were freed from their bondage by passing through the Red Sea. Baptism pictures the freedom from sin that Jesus purchased on the cross.
Paul says baptism is like circumcision not done by human hands, but a circumcision done by Christ. What is put off during this spiritual circumcision? Col. 2:11-12
What did Peter say the flood water symbolized? 1 Peter 3:21
What is baptism a pledge of? 1 Peter 3:21
Peter teaches that it is not the “removal of dirt from the body” that saves us. In other words, it is neither the act of baptism nor the water of baptism. Rather, it is “the resurrection of Jesus Christ” that saves us. Once gin we see the scriptures teaching that we are saved by what Jesus did, (his death and resurrection), NOT by what we do (water baptism). Peter geos onto say that baptism is a pledge of clear conscience.
Each of the pictures of baptism show the old life being put away and a new life emerging. In baptism we publicly display what Jesus did through his death, burial and resurrection. We also show that we have identified with this. By obeying his command to be baptized, we identify with the power of the cross and resurrection to deliver us completely from the power and authority of sin.
“…and now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name!” Acts 22:16
As we look into scripture at what repentance truly is, we see that the definition the modern church has verses the one the bible paints is very different. it seems that in an effort to make things “easier” or more “acceptable” for the nonbeliever we have watered repentance down to a mere apology driven by a moment of guilt, rather than a change in heart caused by the Holy Spirit that produces a godly sorry that leads to a lifestyle of seeking and pleasing God. I want to challenge you to completely abandon any OPINIONS you may have about this or ANY matter found in scripture. our job is not to wrap the Word of God around our life, but rather to allow it to test, challenge and when necessary CHANGE our hearts and minds. This requires humility and Gods grace. Let’s look at how true repentance calls us to react to God.
True conversion is like the 2 sides of a coin. One side is repentance; the other side is faith. We cannot turn from something without turning to something else. All of this is a gift from GOD. (Eph. 2:8) What did Paul say we must turn to if we turn from darkness? Acts 26:18What was the result of the miraculous healing if the paralyzed man? Acts 9:35What was the evidence that the Lords hand was with those who proclaimed Christ? Acts 11:21 Probably the most quoted scripture of all is John 3:16. Read it and reflect on it. Believing in Christ means more than just saying the right words or accepting certain facts. It means that we have put or trust completely in Him. In essence real faith implies that we have rejected all other alternatives and have fixed our attention on Him. Is simply SAYING u believe in God enough to save you? James 2:19What does the bible say about a faith that produces no works? James 2:26What is the promise for those who truly believe? John 6:47What does the bible say overcomes the world? 1 John 5:4-5 The hope of every believer is that Christs work in us is more powerful than our past or our current struggles or temptations. The picture of salvation the bible paints is not just a glorious deliverance, but Gods spirit empowering us to live new lives. The next important step in our journey is to follow Christ in baptism.
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